Public Records Request Update – effective January 1, 2017

CTSBTV Education Channel: 


            Berkshire Hills Regional School District

  Great Barrington   Stockbridge   West Stockbridge

SCHOOL COMMITTEE Meeting (In-Person & Virtual)

Thursday – July 25, 2024 6:00pm

Regular Meeting followed by Executive Session

Regular Meeting – 6:00pm: In-Person/Remote: In-Person: BHRSD District Office Professional Development Room, 50 Main Street – 2nd Floor, Stockbridge. Virtual Participation:  Please click to join webinar  Passcode: bhrsd  OR copy and paste the following:

Executive Session following Regular Meeting M.G.L. c. 30A, Section 21(a)(1) If needed, virtual coordinates will be sent directly to participants

Link to meeting documents 

NOTE: Pursuant to Governor Healey’s March 29, 2023 revised Order suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. Ch. 30A §18, meetings of the Berkshire Hills Regional School District School Committee will be conducted both in-person and remote through March 31, 2025.   Agenda items listed are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair and not all items listed may in fact be discussed.  Items not listed may be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.  This meeting is being recorded by CTSB and School Committee Recorder and will be broadcast.  Once transcribed and approved, minutes will be made public and posted to our website


  1. Call to Order:
  2. Minutes:
  3. Treasurer Report: 
  4. Superintendent Report:
  • Roses/Thorns (Good News/Challenges)
  • Student Member Item(s)
  • Grant Approvals
    • Berkshire United Way Award – approval request
    • Barr Grant Renewal Proposal
  • Principal and Assistant Principal Introductions
  • Request to Approve Memorandum of Understanding
    • BHRSD/BHEA Unit C: Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
  • Request to Approve Proposed Chromebook User Agreement for FY25
  • Review of Leveling up Work and Shifts in Approach for This Year
  • Hiring Updates: Teaching Positions
  • Summer Program Update
  • Summer Professional Development Updates
  • Field Care
  • Updates: DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging)
  1. Sub-Committee Reports:
  • Policy Sub Committee:
    • First Readings:
      • Policy IJ: Instructional Materials
      • Policy IJ-R: Reconsideration of Instructional Resources
      • Policy IJL: Library Media Center Materials Selection
      • Policy JEB: Early Childhood Entering Ages
      • Policy KEB: Complaints About District Employees
      • Policy KEC: Public Complaints about the Curriculum or Instructional Materials and KEC-E: Request for Reconsideration of Classroom Library Materials
    • Building and Grounds Sub Committee
    • Superintendent’s Evaluation Sub Committee
    • Finance Sub Committee
    • Negotiations Sub Committee
  1. Personnel Report:
  • Certified Appointment(s)
  • Non-Certified Appointment(s)
  • Re-assignment(s)
  • Resignation(s)
  • Extra-Curricular/Summer/CLEO Appointment(s)
  1. Business Operation:
  2. Education News:
  3. Old Business:
  • Updates:
    • Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA)
  1. New Business:
  • Public Comment
  • Written Communication

The Berkshire Hills Regional School District School Committee will enter into Executive Session pursuant to M.G.L. c.30A, Section 21(a)(1) to discuss an update on the physical medical condition of an employee.  Following Executive Session the meeting will adjourn. Virtual coordinates to be sent directly to participants.

Executive Session Agenda (In-Person/Virtual)

 M.G.L. c. 30A, Section 21(a)(1)

  1. Update on the physical medical condition of an employee

Next meeting:   August 15, 2024 Regular Meeting (In-Person/Zoom)

Upcoming Meetings / Sub-Committee Meetings:

7/24/24:  5:30pm Building Committee Meeting (In-Person/Zoom)

7/25/24:  6:00pm School Committee Meeting (In-Person/Zoom)

8/15/24:  6:00pm School Committee Meeting (In-Person/Zoom)

8/21/24:  5:30pm Building Committee Meeting (In-Person/Zoom)

8/29/24:  6:00pm School Committee Meeting (In-Person/Zoom)

First day:  all staff:  8/26/24

First day:  all students:  8/28/24