Great Barrington           Stockbridge        West Stockbridge


DISTRICT OFFICES- Stockbridge- Professional Development Room

March 10, 2016 – 7:00 p.m.


School Committee:   S. Bannon, R. Bradway, R. Dohoney, J. St. Peter, W. Fields,  K. Piasecki, F. Clark

Administration:        P. Dillon, S. Harrison

Staff/Public:      M. Berle, B. Doren, M. Young, S. Soule, J. Briggs, Kate Burdsall, Kristi Farina

Absent:   C. Shelton, A. Potter,  D. Weston

List of Documents Distributed:

March 10, 2016 M&C agenda – revised; November 5, 2015 Minutes; Program Review.docx

RECORDER NOTE: Meeting attended by recorder and minutes transcribed, after the fact, from DVD provided by CTSB . Length of meeting: 1hr 58min



Chairman Steve Bannon called the meeting to order @ 6:00pm



The listing of agenda items are those reasonably anticipated by the chair, which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed, and other items not listed may be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law. This meeting is being recorded by CTSB and will be broadcast at a later date. Minutes will be transcribed and made public, as well as added to our website, once approved.



BHRSD School Committee Meeting: 11-05-2015 minutes

Motion to approve minutes: F.Clark     Seconded: W.Fields      Approved: Unanimous


S.Bannon: Entire topic for the night is the budget process which just passed. Starting with the budget debriefing. Superintendent Dillon has a memo to provide and will explain. After that, will go over the program reviews and pick which one’s the Committee wants for the year.


Debrief:Go around and solicit feedback from committee members as regarding what was less successful than hoped for and what did work in the process.

R.Dohoney: Not too upset about the process. We are a school district in crisis. Getting to a budget that approved with consensus is a victory.  Feels the process worked.

S.Bannon: Like to see done differently: Before the finance subcommittee meets for the first time in the Fall, would like to see the school committee have a meeting regarding their expectation of the budget. More detail in the finance subcommittee report so that the Committee feels more intuned with what’s going. When talking of cuts, more detail in the position and other options. We should also be asking what we are lacking in the district to see if there’s ways that we can make up for or fix that lack.

F.Clark: The principals of each School need to act a bit more on an administrative level so as to have an overview of their entire campus. Not to delegate down to the program level but to understand and oversee and advocate for all the programs and personnel within their school.

R.Bradway: We know that we need to make cut but we don’t have all the information as to which programs are not doing what they need to do. That is the information that we are lacking at the committee level.

F.Clark: Meeting after meeting we hear all the good news from the school principals about our students but we really need to know about the flip side of that. We need to know about the things that aren’t working so well the things that aren’t so good. Administration understandably wants to use the public venue of the school committee meetings to celebrate all the good things that are happening in the schools but these are often the things that do not need to be fixed. We need to know where we can do better rather than celebrating where we are.

R.Dohoney: The sole purpose of this committee for the last five years has been to preserve the level of education.

F.Clark: Has a different idea of what a subcommittee should do. Believes a subcommittee should be the nuts and bolts of putting it together, making the decision; but there are certain levels of decisions that need to be made by the whole.

W.Fields: Understand the point and agree with some of it but as a finance subcommittee member, the problem happens when numbers start being put out in November to the whole committee and that gets sent out to all of the staff and all of the employees, creating upset unnecessarily in the schools. Would like to see the administration invited to take on more participation. This was only the second time that they were asked for input. Think that what made us look bad is that this all happened within a 24 hour period.

S.Bannon: Waiting until the last minute to talk about Cuts in the budget and how that would affect the staff did not work out so well for us this year. The hesitation about talking of it early is understood but may not be real-world feasible. If we know that large cuts need to be made it should be decided early on if positions are not wants to be cut by this committee committee so that other avenues can be explored.

R.Bradway: We really only talk about programs when they come up to be cut. We need to be talking about all the programs more consistently to know what does and does not work.

K.Piasecki: After two defeated school renovation votes, And the Arts being a hot emotional button  in this community, we can’t keep shocking the system and putting people through that kind of emotional turmoil.

P.Dillon: Would like to share the memo handout written by the BHRSD Superintendent and Administration- (attached hereto)

  • Would like to shift the process to be more goal-driven And not maintain the narrow goal of bringing it down (example 5% ,10 %, etc.) But bring it down to what our mission is, what our goals are, desired outcome for our students.
  • List was giving out for topics of programmatic overview but feel that we should focus on 4; one for each building and one for the entire District.
  • Over the summer the administration will lay out a Three to Five-Year Plan. Doing a multi-year plan is much more meaningful than doing a year-to-year plan.
  • Looking at areas where we can improve, not just looking at where we are successful but looking at areas where we are not doing so well or failing and making shifts there.
  • If we are doing this larger re-envisioning, we should be doing it on all levels with the administration, the school committee, the unions, the ongoing feedback from the public.
  • Would like to submit to the school committee this whole plan in early November.
  • Show how the plan is connected to our mission and our goals.
  • Provide as much data and numbers as possible with clear action steps and timelines.
  • Connect our professional development plan to that.
  • So what are proposal would cost and why.
  • At this point is where the school committee would say that the plan is supported or that it is “too rich” or “too lean”.
  • Then go back to the finance subcommittee with some general guidance from the school committee to fine-tune the plan with increased communication and transparency.

R.Bradway: How does this change or differ from the School Improvement Plan?

P.Dillon: The School Improvement Plan For each one is  to 8 goals so it does not capture the totality of what is needed. The school improvement plan is a slice of this but it does not address all that is needed.

R.Dohoney: To achieve this goal, why do we need this whole new structure? If things need to be changed educationally in the school, why isn’t admin just bringing that to us As a normal course of your jobs. If there’s a population being underserved we should know about that but if there’s also a program that’s not as effective as it used to be, the committee should know that as well.

P.Dillon: That is the point of this. The way our structure has been set up, overtime, we have made the administration reactive rather than proactive. This has given us the opportunity to take the reins of this back and use the school committee as a board to ask tough questions and to push around direction, to set overall parameters. You hired the administration because of their professional skills and background and good judgment and we should take the responsibility to frame the work and the committee should give feedback if it’s being framed appropriately.

F.Clark: So there is a balance and I’m glad that is being recognized. The school committee needs to be involved in setting those goals over certain parameters. The school committee needs to be involved, not necessarily in the education but to sit and only be presented to is not enough. We should be involved as a committee and making those decisions and goals in an informed way.

P.Dillon: The other part of concern is that the committee is responsible but that the voters get to decide. The voters should not be presented with a ridiculous budget but they also should not be not-given the opportunity to have some input.

S.Bannon: We also need to talk about Revenue because it made a big difference in this year’s school budget as well. E&D and revenue: we have to understand it better, We have to understand school choice better and we have to do that sooner than later.

F.Clark: Revenues: State funding, Choice, Tuition, & Grants.

S.Bannon: E&D is sometimes used as a revenue source.

F.Clark: It shouldn’t be. The difference between last year and this year E&D balance was $250,000. That amount should have been used over time and not all in one lump sum.

S.Bannon: Using it like a revenue source and expecting to be able to do that every year is not possible. It came back to burn us this year. We should not be using the eat in the funds until we reach the 5% of operating budget. Seems unlikely that we will ever get to 5%.

P.Dillon: Ask administrative staff if there was anything more that wanted to be said about the memo that may not have been previously covered.

M.Young: At the start of every budget session the school committee should bring to the administration their goals so as to be able to keep them in mind while we’re developing the budget. “This is what we’ve said we believe in, this is what we are providing this community.”That would be a really strong foundation from which to start every budget season and would give the administration a direction that’s not about saving a certain amount of money, it’s about creating a program that meets goals. The administration will tell you what it costs and the committee will let the administration know if it’s possible. If not then we go back and reevaluate.

S.Bannon: The best way to hold us to the memo guidelines is to ask the administration to come back to the committee with dates and an agenda in which we will start developing this new plan. Not to let a conceptual plan continue to be conceptual.

J.Briggs: The time line should be adaptable through June because if we reach the point where there is a demand for a greater reimagining, Every little shift has to stay in line with our goals. We have to stay in touch with all of the administration and the teachers to make sure that we are moving in the right direction.

  1. Burle: While working on the plan for Muddy Brook, administratively it really needs to be backed up by hearing the voices of the staff.

R.Dohoney: Do we have a goal problem? Because it seems that all of the goals are being met and that the only problem is a money problem?

F.Clark: There is no way that we can maintain the programs we have now and cut staff or anything. We cannot cut anything.  We need to figure out how to do revenue.

P.Dillon: Even if we only had a money problem we have to continue to evolve so that we are moving forward in our thinking otherwise it’s like intellectual deferred maintenance.

S.Bannon: We have to figure out a way to not have each town need to raise a million dollars every year.

F.Clark: I need to budget Out 3 to 5 years and start to look at how the salaries will change in that time. Inflation. Benefits. We are in the top 25% for the highest paid salaries in the county because we want to draw in the best teachers.

P.Dillon: Our Unions have performed two amazing tasks in the past 7 years; Insurance plan this year and 6.5 years ago was the furlough plan.

F.Clark: The committee needs to decide if it’s going to create an excellent school system, or not, and present that necessary cost. That decision will turn this community into a very sought-after, affluent community because of the school system. Will the town’s support that, is that what they want?. OR We need to hold the line on revenue and say that we perhaps won’t be able to offer certain Services because the revenue simply isn’t there to support it.

S.Bannon:The point is that we want to be one of the best districts in the state and if we have to pay for it then there will be a problem in obtaining that goal. We have to be imaginative and having a comprehensive high school might be costly.

W.Fields: “Department Heads” no longer exist but they We’re a conduit to the administration and the school committee. The department head would be able to tell us where deficiencies existed in each of their assigned departments. Now there are things called project leaders and there is uncertainty as to what that role provides. Perhaps it might be time to look at going back to department heads where the project leaders can fill those spaces and  their responsibilities are reevaluated.

P.Dillon: Department heads were done away with because they were paid by stipins and the stipins were too high and cut from the budget. During a time where are the governor imposed heavy cut in the budget and all of the department heads and heavy loads of teachers were cut. Nobody wanted to do those cuts, they were imposed upon us.

M.Young: Department heads were integral to communications and since the decision was made to cut those positions, the teachers and the administration have not been on the same page again on many issues. Administrative decisions have been made that the staff is not in favor of at all and so we move on. Bringing the department head back is a missing piece but it’s not a guarantee for better communication. When we came back to the committee the following year and asked to return those positions and the funds behind that, the committee did not it. The project leader position was then created with a different defining role, of which has a lot of elements were removed relating to budget creation and communication.

F.Clark: “Renovation of High School” Stated that he had gone on record about not voting for The renovation because he felt it was should be given back to the state for funding. Understanding now that that might not be the only way because the state has renovation requirements, in order to obtain that funding, that the district may not want to comply with.

Going back to the state would be 7 year wait on their list. In that time renovation costs will increase leading to more monies needed from district. Great Barrington is becoming a Richard town which means we may qualify for last from the state. If Steve Soule and his team can do non-reimbursable

S.Bannon: That topic will be put on the agenda and have it’s own meeting. Let’s get back to the budget.

W.Fields speaking for R.Bradway (in absence): Wants to look at the inclusion program. Wants to look at discipline and how that impacts staff: i.e. administrative staffing, assistant principal. Stipends for programs in the operating budget. Curriculum mapping throughout the district.

F.Clark: Thinks stipends are one of the best uses of money by the school committee because spending $2,000 gives 8 or 10 kids an after school extracurricular activity that would not have been available otherwise.

S.Bannon: Peter and the administrative team have presented us with a plan via the memo that will allow us to look at every aspect the budget before the next budget plan starts. Looking for any objections to this plan.

F.Clark: Concerned about not being able to cover all areas in each school in one meeting a piece.

P.Dillon: Discuss two meetings per school. Presenting heavily on paper prior to the meeting so time can be spent in discussion. Develop a cycle of programmatic overviews so that each area is being covered. The long list for this year only had four presented.

J.Briggs: Programmatic overviews take a very long time to prepare on the level requested. On the short-term, are we just looking for a basic overview of where we are and then can present more thorough reports in the fall?

F.Clark:  Yes. Looking at this first presentation as a stepping stone to evaluating our current status.

S.Harrison: Between now and June we’re looking for a baseline. As we go into our summer work, it will get deeper as we present. This will open up questions and conversations that will help better prepare for the budget time.

R.Dohoney: Would like to see the time spent between now and September preparing a very detailed report with all of the information outlined in the memo and presenting that to the committee. Skipping the June presentation because asking for a zero product by then it’s too soon.

F.Clark to Marianne Young: Would sharing the final results of your self study get us to the same bassline for the high school, since you spent so much time already in self evaluation?

M.Young: Yes.The self-study puts the high school in a better position to prevent that information.

S.Bannon: The problem of waiting until September is that it is too close to the preparation of next year’s budget to really have an effect.

P.Dillon: Understanding that it won’t be perfect, it needs to be done in June. To give the principals a little bit of time, the district presentation can be first.

F.Clark: Would like to see steps taken for an investigative group to look at Vocational Schools for all of Southern Berkshire.

S.Bannon: We will put it on as an agenda item so we can address it thoroughly.

W.Fields makes a motion to go with the plan presented at this meeting by P.Dillon and the District Administration            Seconded: F.Clark        Approved: Unanimously

J.StPeter: Asking if the school choice option is going to be decided on for the next year.

S.Bannon: We will be opening up school choice again but we need to know from the schools what those openings are.

R.Dohoney: Clarify- a few open slots @ MBE, no openings at DBM, lots of openings at MMRHS. Can we aggressively advertise and target for the high school openings?

P.Dillon: We ran an ad in Berkshire Eagle and have other things in place for that. We can discuss others.

S.Bannon calls for motion to adjourn.

F.Clark makes motion to adjourn the meeting                Seconded: W.Fields         Approved: Unanimously

Meeting adjourned at 8:58pm

Submitted by:

Rebecca Burcher, Recorder                                       ______________________________

Rebecca Burcher, Recorder


School Committee Secretary