Great Barrington           Stockbridge        West Stockbridge



November 5, 2015


School Committee:   S. Bannon, R. Bradway, R. Dohoney, D. Weston, A. Potter, J. St. Peter, W. Fields,  K. Piasecki, F. Clark

Administration:        P. Dillon, S. Harrison

Staff/Public:              N. Thompson, B. Doren, M. Young, S. Soule, D. Long, J. Briggs, K.Burdsall, Sherry DeCelle

Absent:                        C. Shelton

List of Documents Distributed:  November 5, 2015 School Committee- Reorganizational Meeting Agenda; Personnel Report 11/05/2015; BHRSD School Committee Aug 20, 2015 minutes; BHRSD School Committee Oct  1, 2015 minutes

RECORDER NOTE: Meeting being transcribed from recorded DVD provided by CTSB after the fact. Length of meeting: 2hr 29min



Superintendent Peter Dillon called the meeting to order 7:00pm



The listing of agenda items are those reasonably anticipated by the chair, which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed, and other items not listed may be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law. This meeting is being recorded by CTSB and will be broadcast at a later date. Minutes will be transcribed and made public, as well as added to our website, once approved


School Committee- Reorganization:



  1. Fields Nominates Stephen Bannon Seconded: R. Bradway Approved: Unanimous

Vice Chair:

  1. Dohoney Nominates Richard Bradway Seconded: W. Fields  Approved: Unanimous


  1. Fields Nominates Christine Shelton Seconded: R. Dohoney Approved: Unanimous

Assistant Treasurer:

  1. Dohoney Nominates Daniel Weston Seconded: R. Bradway  Approved: Unanimous


Sub-Committees: (Appointment by S. Bannon only when no volunteers)

Negotiations Sub – Committee

Stephen Bannon, chair, Frederick Clark, Christine Shelton, Daniel Weston

Policy Committee

Fred Clark, chair, Stephen Bannon, Christine Shelton, Andrew Potter

Warrant Sub – Committee

Richard Bradway, Daniel Weston, Christine Shelton, Jason St. Peter (alternate)

Buildings and Grounds Committee

Richard Bradway, chair, William Fields, Jason St. Peter, Kristen Piasecki

Superintendent’s Evaluation & Advisory Sub-Committee

Daniel Weston, chair, Christine  Shelton, Jason St. Peter, Andrew Potter

Technology Sub-Committee

Richard Bradway, chair, Jason St Peter, Stephen Bannon

Finance Sub-Committee

Richard Dohoney, chair, Stephen Bannon, Daniel Weston, William Fields

NEW– District Consolidation and Sharing Sub-Committee

Richard Dohoney, Stephen Bannon, Richard Bradway

School Center, Inc.

Richard Dohoney, Stephen Bannon, Christine Shelton

Fund For Excellence

William Fields, Richard Bradway (alternate)

Vocational Advisory Board

Stephen Bannon, chair, Fred Clark, Kristen Piasecki

MASC Representatives

Jason St. Peter, William Fields


MINUTES –   Aug 20, 2015 presented by S. Bannon for Committee approval

Oct  1, 2015 presented by S. Bannon for Committee approval

Motion to approve minutes: R. Bradway     Seconded: K. Riley      Approved: Unanimous           _________________________________________________________________




Peter Dillon: Superintendent


Muddy Brook Elementary School (MBE)

Berle, Principal:

  • 1st Annual Halloween Parade: very successful, appropriate costumes, lots of parents, parade went outside. Encourages celebration and community, good modeling.
  • Thanks to Facilities Team and Technology Team- 4 working SmartBoards in 4th grade. Dan Long was able to get free donations so it was cost neutral. Very thankful to have
  • Every Team in school has set goals and created action plans.
  • Observations in full force- 1st Grade teachers observed each other focusing of student discourse and academic vocabulary. Mary has observed in several classrooms and all new teachers are doing wonderfully; Stephanie Kluka, Megan Warner, Shannon Guererra, Kim Cherichella
  • PD day Tues Nov 4,2015- Teams worked on already developed action plans. Lots of different work going on. 3rd was off-site with Flying Cloud working with science and interdisciplinary units. Paras worked on student support without enabling. Kate Birdsall took SPED team and related services worked on norm and IEP development. Mary took a vertical team math group to create goals and action plan for better math alignment.
  • Ukulele Club: Thanks to Josh Briggs for great development; kids love it.


Monument Valley Middle School (DBM)

Doren, Principal:

  • PD day Tuesday: Walk-about: sharing throughout the school of best practices in the classroom among groups of 3 staff. Restorative practices training. Advisory: Wednesday morning small student circles w teachers and paras but now moving into Tier 2: one-on-one conflict resolution with conversation & listening. Progress assessments in the core curriculum. ELA: writing. Science: Lab reports. Math: reasoning. Social Studies: research. All work together to show us a students great, deep work. How to align. Exploratory Team on county-wide PD
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences: Quiet, mellow, collaborative, joyful experiences this year. Mellow because faculty is amazing with parent communication using; email, powerschool to keep parents up to speed on their child’s academics. Amazing for early November.
  • Farm-to-School: District wide going well. Lots of collaborations. Cafeteria Sub-Committee met with Mike at SYSCO. Sub-committee got lots of Q&A. Great understanding. Then met with Kathy Sullivan. Kale chips showed up across all 3 schools this past week! Students loved them!
  • Math team is working hard on being nimble. Intervention and support to ensure students get the right kind of math instruction and extra support. Now focusing on advanced students and alignment going forward. Multiple forms of assessment by math team.
  • Patriots Pen Assembly: Coming up. Over 150 essays written by grades 6-8 students. VFW fundraises and awards range from $25-$200. Awards for growth & effort awards for the extra energy needed to submit.
  • Mahaiwe- Hip Hop Residency: 6-8 grades go 4 mornings and work with a poet, rapper, dj, dancer, & musician. 2 other schools involved for a show on Friday evening.
  • Flying Cloud: Star and Berkshire grants- money goes to Flying Cloud to do field work, bio-blitz, field study guides
  • Design and Technology Program: possible from innovation grant obtained by Josh Briggs. Future cities with coding and little computers.
  • Project Connection after school/summer learning program- Josh helped obtain a service learning grant. Grafting the Landscape program building out to double capacity for the summer

Monument Mountain Regional High School (MMRHS)

Grace Fair and Kevin Costello, Students :


  • Past Friday: Community unity- donations from local business for very nice breakfast. Gymnasium for renewed team spirit-school teams, clubs, organizations were able to represent themselves. Welcoming to Freshmen and new students.
  • November 1st students from Berkshire Farm visited and MMTV hosted them and showed them the fundamentals of how to make a TV show.
  • Girls soccer team: for Western Mass is playing Palmer on Saturday. Girl’s x-country team at Northfield for Western Mass.


  • Debut of “Spartans mob squad”- rekindling school spirit. Group of kids to attend sporting events to help provide school/team spirit.
  • Annual Spelling Bee: students and teacher participation
  • First quarter is ending this Friday
  • Oct was first round of SAT tests; Ella Long- 800 each in reading/chemistry/math subject test , Sammie Mitchell- 800 math, Caroline Sprague- 800 reading.
  • Lanyards made for community breakfast handed out to students.

MaryAnn Young, Principal:

PD day: Anti-Defamation League here working w Soc. Studies teachers on Holocaust study “Echos and Reflections” + two Richmond teachers. Math & Science teachers met out the building: Math looked @ new SAT assessment and how our curriculum prepares for new math SAT, algebra, and advanced math studies. Science reviewed Biology MCAS scores to see effectiveness of 9th grade biology alignment and full year curriculum for students in science. English looked at student writing and teacher assessment of such. Career vocational teachers looked at how curriculum & courses aligns w internships then broke for lunch and volunteered at Food Bank Distribution at CHP in Gt. Barr. Part of Kathy Roy’s curriculum is recipe creation for distribution at Food Bank. Paras joined w Lee and Lenox @ MMRHS in afternoon workshop on  working w/students & teachers in the classroom.

Kate Burdsall, Regional SPED Director:

  • PD day: IEP best practices and east-bed refresher for our liaisons at MBE and DBM. Looking to coordinate for MMRHS. Met w/ Paras @ DBM, meet w/ MMRHS Paras tomorrow & coordinating for Para meeting at MBE.
  • After school today, did a transportation provider training. Marie Massini had all 42 drivers and aids there for presentation on SPED, IEPs, disabilities. Teaming with them and support them w/ bussed kids.
  • SEPAC- Special Education Parent Advisory Council: began work last year w/ very small group. End of last year the mission statement was approved, went into summer w/ tentative by-laws which were presented and approved this year. Next meeting is Dec 2, 2015 where looking to elect officers and first big community event on January 27, 2016 @ MMRHS at 6:30pm as dessert potluck. Looking to be an introduction disability awareness activity to bring community together.
    • Dillon: Kate will come w SEPAC to future Committee meetings.
    • Clark: Would like to see copy of Mission statement. Are they not a part of the District? Different than a parent PTA?
    • Burdsall: Yes, different. DESE (Dept. of Elem & Secondary Ed) has a whole guidance document on it that will be shared w/ the Mission Statement.

Josh Briggs, Director of Learning and Teaching:

  • District Admin Magazine named us “District of Distinction” Honoree for helping our highest-needs students through our after school program Project Connection. We applied to them explaining our achievement was w/ high-needs students K-8 with the program and along with 29 other districts Nationally. Recognition (not grant).

OCT 1 REPORT- Projections and Assessments:

Dillon: Definition- Snapshot of our students which drives assessments. Released on October 1st but is a very complicated process going back and forth w/the 3 towns to see if people claiming residency in those towns are actually residents of that town. Sharon Harrison does majority of work on this. Comments?

Clark: We instituted a “lottery” for Choice Program a couple of years ago. Are those results included in this report?

Dillon: Law requires random selection and lottery procedure takes care of that. Lottery changes how we fill the openings but not the number of openings there are.

Dohoney: Noticing Choice numbers decreased since Lottery was implemented; enrollment summary based on years page of report.

Dillon: Part of change facilitated students who were living in surrounding towns then moved within the district, which was our intention.

Clark: When you have a district when as many students are choicing OUT as are choicing IN, it becomes cost neutral.

Fields: Where are the 106 kids choicing OUT going?

Harrison: Choice Out report will be out the end of December. Then in January we do a census. That info is looked at and in February we can tell if Choice Out is going to Districts or private schools.

Dillon: Bulk of it is based on convenience; parents w in another district or student lives on another district’s border.

Fields: How are SPED students represented in the 106 number?

Harrison:Special Ed students are listed under Tuition Out not Choice Out.

F.Clark: Are students leaving our district for Vocational Education?

S.Harrison: One over last years but she graduated.

F.Clark: How about Choice In for Vocational Education. Because if they Choice In and pursue a Vocational education in Automotive or Horticulture (our two certified vocations), do they get then get charged the tuition rate for Vocational Education?

M.Young: We have not charged a tuition to any Choice In student who may go the Vocational Education route.


Booster Club Request: additional wrestling coach.

Motion by W.Fields to approve request        Seconded:  J. St.Peter    Approved: Unanimous

Emergency Operation Procedures – S. Soule & P. Dillon

Steve attended training with Gt. Barr. Police Dept. Recommended a more active approach rather than just “lock down”. Procedurally: Lock-down, heavy communications, counter the intruder or be defensive, evacuate. Study has shown when schools go to and stay in lock down, odds more likely for injury or death than if they were more active/reactive. Better approach is to look at procedure for evacuation rather than staying in “lock down”. Looking for Committee support, then it will be a whole process of training staff, followed by big communication with parents/guardians BEFORE training the students.

Weston: Why is this decision to do or not up to the School Committee? Admin function instead? Keeping Committee informed is enough.

Clark: Are there other/additional things we can do to increase our communication rate?

Soule: We have many of the things in place already; several emergency direct 9-1-1 call buttons in each building, 10 radios in each building that are same used as Stockbridge and Gt Barrington and we share a channel, each building has a crisis team, 20 different response protocols for different situations.

FACT: State requires 6 fire drills per year. Last time a child was killed in a public school fire in this country was 1954.

No state requirement for lockdown drills, shelter-in-place drills of any kind. We try to do 3 lockdown drills per building per year and 3 shelter-in-place drills and the 6 evacuation (fire) drills each year.


Dillon: On June 20th Task Force formed around technology w D. Long. 3 sub-task forces came out of that: facilities, finances, educational vision. Decided to possibly reconvene group or make a decision. Peter wants to bring that to the Committee. Peter feel there are many sub committees already and getting wide public participation for another body might be counterproductive right now. the RAAC committee will most likely address to financial part, buildings and grounds is working on the capital plan and going forward, and the principles Joshua and Peter are doing a strong job on the educational vision- in collaboration with the school councils or the PTAs is depending on the building which will be clearly reflected in the school improvement plans and district improvement plans. Peter’s initial excitement with the technology Task Force subcommittees and their purposes is now being handled by other means but wanted to get the opinion of the Committee.

Bannon: Personal idea to put it on the agenda for closure since the technology task force has not met since June. Perhaps it would be best to say that the task force does not disband but only meets when necessary.

Bradway: The intention for the 3 track program for this Task Force was for equal attention to be paid to each area. If that is not going to be equal share of resources then he feels it is not good and would not be in support of the task force continuing.

Clark: Fears there is no real focus on the horizon and where is the district going long term with enrollment and financing of such, High School renovation.

Fields: Feels the task force is redundant & was initiated by public outcry concerning issues that weren’t being addressed. Disbanding it may send out the wrong message publicly so allowing it to sleep for a while would be the best approach. The individual citizens who brought to the committee in the town meetings the concerns that resulted in this task force can now also attend the current subcommittee meetings that address these topics.

Bannon: He’s not hearing any objections but this subject will be revisited at the appropriate time, this is not the appropriate time.

Dillon: OK

Regional Agreement Amendment Process-

Regional Agreement Amendment Committee-RAAC:

Dillon: Recommendations and appointments to this subcommittee. His recommendation is to appoint school committee members tonight. have heard from Finance Committee and select boards from all three towns and continue to take applications for citizen members. Recommends to appoint public members at the next meeting.

Bannon: Confusion on how many citizens and how many school committee members from each town are to be appointed to the Regional Agreement Amendment Committee-RAAC.

Dillon: it was agreed School committee members would be: Great Barrington 2, Stockbridge 1, West Stockbridge 1. Stockbridge and West Stockbridge would both have 3 citizen members. The confusion lies and how many citizen members for Great Barrington: some think it is 2 some think it is 3.

Weston: Remembers his comment about 3 for Great Barrington also and the agreement of the committee on that number.

Bannon: Asks for a motion to that effect.

Weston Make a motion that each town has three citizen members on the RAAC Seconded: J. St. Peter Approved: Unanimously

S.Bannon: Today get the school committee members on and then at the next meeting will get the citizen members and also announce the finance and select board members at the next meeting.  Great Barrington: R. Dohoney & W. Fields appointed

Stockbridge: D. Weston appointed

Stockbridge: K. Piasecki appointed

Bannon: The next meeting on November 19th is going to be slightly changed because Shaker Mountain School Union has accepted the invitation to have a joint meeting.

Dillon: The Lee/Tyringham School Union has also requested a joint meeting with this committee. That meeting date will be set at the next school committee meeting on Nov 19th.

Weston: Ask for clarification on the application 4shared superintendent in the Lee Tyringham school and the committee’s support of that for Peter.

Dillon: The application was from the superintendent (P. Dillon) but with the contingency that it was a regional application and would need the support of the Berkshire Hills Regional School District School Committee before the position could be accepted, if offered.

There is also some information in the local papers about Farmington River School reaching out to Southern Berkshire School District and with the Committee’s approval one of the chairs or the superintendent can reach out to Farmington River to see if they would like to have a joint meeting as well.  before the conclusion of our current tuition agreement  with Farmington River, which includes this year and two more years, we would have to have some serious conversations  with them if they’re going to join another School District.

Clark: There would be major concern and impact of Farmington River no longer tuitioning into Berkshire Hills Regional School District as that is a large amount of our school community and also our financial budget. There would also be a parental outcry of the students from Farmington River if they were not given the tuition option with Berkshire Hills Regional School District. The meeting with Farmington River for the last tuition agreement negotiation was filled with parents of Farmington River students.

Fields: Feels it would make more sense to request a joint meeting with Southern Berkshire to discuss more than just neighboring school districts.

Bannon: There is already a very good existing relationship with Southern Berkshire as we have many shared services with them and in the past they were not interested in discussion regarding joining with our school districts but perhaps it would be a good conversation to revisit with them.

Dohoney: Agrees with F. Clark that we have a partnership with Farmington River and Richmond and need to prioritize those partnerships but not to the disclusion of anyone else.

Dillon: Asks Farmington River parent Sherry DeCelle, who is present at this meeting for her opinion.

Sherry DeCelle: Agrees that if/when/however Farmington River parents find out that the relationship with Berkshire Hills Regional School District may no longer is to exist and they don’t have any option, whereas their children will only be able to go to Southern Berkshire, then there will definitely be an uproar of parent voices at the committee meetings that discuss this issue.  She believes that parents of Otis and Sandisfield students have no idea of the discussion going on between Farmington River and Southern Berkshire. Parents are not going to be excited about this. There should be the ability to come to an agreement in regards to this.

Clark: Addressing Sherry- the students from Farmington River are very important to Berkshire Hills Regional School District and we value the relationship but feel blindsided as we had no idea of their discussion with Southern Berkshire until it showed up in the newspaper. This committee is hoping to open up that dialog with Farmington River in regards to keeping this relationship.

S.DeCelle:  Has personal frustration that there hasn’t been more effort on Farmington rivers end. She will take every opportunity to advocate for the continued relationship with Berkshire Hills Regional School District.

Bannon: We will take you up on that offer to advocate. There was the misconception that during the tuition agreement negotiation that this committee was stirring up the parents when really the parents were very concerned on their own.


  • Southern Berkshire Shared Services Project-Things keep moving along, the superintendent are still meeting, Smitty has been particularly active on that project,  a number of the professional development programs were connected to that and the broader superintendent’s roundtable. Continue talk about range of shared services which is exciting.
  • Berkshire County Task Force- Still moving along. This is the county wide group with now 9 or 10 of the 13 school districts participating. That group is raising additional private money / philanthropic money to do some work and in addition to the Whitepaper also trying to organization to do some type of study, which is not yet fully framed. General data collection across the county districts about buildings, debt, additional space,  and additional information that would be helpful down the road with those conversations.  The distinction is Southern Berkshire group is more of an implementation group the county wide group is more of a planning group. Nice sense of camaraderie now between the groups and they are learning from each other.



  • Policy Sub Committee- S. Bannon: Committee met, Looked at existing policies or prioritized needed policies for the upcoming year. P. Dillon: Update policy manual is now up on website and is searchable.
  • Superintendent’s Evaluation Sub Committee- not met
  • Technology Sub Committee- not met/ no date
  • Finance Sub Committee- next meeting scheduled Nov 17th @ 4:30
  • Building and Grounds Sub Committee- Presentation
    • Young: went over report she and Steve Soule prepared: BHRSD Facilities 5-Year Repair and Improvement Plan (attached)- Recapped the Committee’s discussion of the 3 reasons why the renovation vote didn’t go through: 1)expense; concerns of school choice, tuition, per pupil expenditure, declining enrollment. All of the places where revenue was coming from. 2) Does the facility that you’re proposing align well with the vision you have for the district? 3) Issues around the building proposition itself, even if the money comes in: The science wing? Do we need a new science wing even if it does align with the vision? The greenhouse: do we need to move the greenhouse up the hill?     The School Committee on the January 28th meeting agreed that to address the concerns and to get at what this facility needs, a simultaneous 3-track approach should happen- Putting our vision and mission out there, we should be looking at revenue sources and how we can build that revenue source for our taxpayers and we should be able to attack what needs to get fixed in this building now. 3-track approach was born.
    • MaryAnn’s recommendation:
      • 1st Track) You have done this work. There is already a really strong pk-12 Mission Statement on file for BHRSD that actually aligns and set us up for success in the 21st century that endorses learning. There already is a Vision Statement that talks about expanding learning beyond the school walls, Challenging expectations and approaches to mission and unrelenting commitment to success. Providing a school that is clean, safe, and designed to enable us to realize our mission. Clear and transparent decision making. The Committee has done it already. The community asked for it and you provided it. To go back and revisit this could take years to redo and is not in conflict with what the community’s expectations are. Marianne things this track is in good shape.
      • 2nd Track) Funding: what are the revenue sources? There’s already diligent work with subcommittees and tuition agreement, school choice and regional agreements and shared services to look at revenue sources and district savings. Working with the state, taking very seriously the concerns the community shared with you. And what are you going to do when the enrollments are dropping? Those answers are available for the community right now; no one has those answers. Those answers won’t be available in the next 6 months but the response is going to the community and you’re doing what you were asked to do.
      • 3rd Track) Facilities and grounds at Berkshire Hills: what she heard the community say was the project that was proposed was too big / too much. Do we need all that? No one said they disagreed with renovating the facility to make it safe, secure, to get it more energy efficient. They didn’t like the approach but they did ask to be told what needs to be fixed. What is being presented in the five year plan is what needs to be fixed, Starting primarily at the high school but does not ignore what needs to be looked at in the next five years at the middle and elementary schools. Plan is rooted in confidence and in support of what the committee has already done. We are well educating hundreds of students every year and we have to fix this facility.
    • Soule: One big stress point before we begin: what you see on the spreadsheet is a far cry from what was on the table last November. That was a whole building renovation with a new addition. The spreadsheet shows what needs to be fixed with a few upgrades. It doesn’t touch the whole building; probably doesn’t even touch 50% of the building. Urgent safety matters are in the first couple of years and then more projects to add as a buildings and grounds committee saw fit.

Bradway: Buildings and grounds wanted to prioritize the near term critical needs that: 1)allow for school to continue; 2) reasonable return on facility investment; 3)1-3 year priorities wouldn’t be UN-done in a major renovation. This is a five year plan but it is not all that wants to be done but what is the priority for the next five years and it does not affect the opportunity to do something different or more down the road.

Soule: And it doesn’t necessarily mean that in five years the renovations are done. The school will not be perfect. If renovations continue in this fashion, the work will go on indefinitely because when we are “done” we will be redoing what was done in the first year. (see attachment for FY16 and beyond repair schedule).

Additional Info: Firebox consult said it is most likely asbestos but there is no estimate on that and it may need to go out to bid, depending on the amount. Rebuilding the firebox WILL have to go out to bid, but hopefully the asbestos abatement will not have to go out to bid because then it will happen quicker.

The number for the building wide asbestos abatement is very large and broken up over 5 years so that all of the asbestos will be abated so that when a full renovation is done the school be in place without needing any further asbestos removal. The buildings and grounds committee asked for a worst case scenario for abatement of the asbestos and is not only project related but the school-wide as well. The work being suggested on the spreadsheet is focused primarily on getting as much work done as possible over the summer months, when the school is empty.

Fields: Voiced concerns about these being band-aid approach and not anything more. That the town of Great Barrington will not hear the word “renovation” again and he believes that there will not be town approved funding for a full future renovation. Mentioned that he spoke with a science teacher who said that they are not able to do what they would like to do but they are “getting by”, which is not the vision for what this school has for its students. We need to do something now!

Bradway: If it is the desire of the School Board Committee to go back to the state with the letter of intent, Buildings and Grounds Sub Committee will not disagree. However, they want to ensure that we go back with a better letter of intent with work being done currently so that it doesn’t look exactly like the letter of intent that was previously submitted that resulted in where the district is now.

Clark: In regards to the ADA, there is no longer a safe haven for handicap accessibility plans not being in place. As a publicly accessible building there needs to be a plan in place for handicap accessibility and accommodations.

Also, we may look very different as a district in five years from now and our finances might be different or vocational needs might be different or population might be different and so there may not be the same plan needed for us as a school that we’re looking at right now.

Dohoney: Feels that it may be appropriate for a statement of interest to be submitted to the state so that it puts us in “que” for renovations we may wish to consider in the future. Since the process is a five-year process from the submission of letter of intent.

Bannon: The interesting & cautious thing about a letter of interest to the state is to honestly articulate all of the needs of the school with regard to the renovation but not to highlight the condition of the school in such a way that it makes the state require that things get done immediately, with or without the state funding.

Clark: Would like to see this plan plotted on a graph by the Finance Committee so that when the money is available it is clearly seen how and where and when the money will be applied. This is a great plan, it is a great blueprint and it would be very beneficial to see it laid out in a time line in graph form.



Clark asked what was the need for a sub coordinator.

Dillon: There is work that needs to be done after hours to get sub coverage when someone or someone’s child get sick in the middle of the night is calls out with very little notice, the sub coordinator is the one who responds to that call and attempts to fill the void asap.

November  5, 2015  Personnel Report

Extra-Curricular Appointments:  (all 2015 – 2016  unless otherwise noted)

Rates/stipends listed below are based on the FY15 Exhibit B Chart.  These may be adjusted once negotiations are finalized.

Muddy Brook Regional Elementary School

Finkle, Cathy                     Sub Coordinator                                                  Stipend:  $1735.55 (pro-rated)

Monument Mountain Regional High School

Mooney, Michael               After Prom-Co-Advisor                                     Stipend:  $474

__________________________________________________________________________BUSINESS OPERATION-   Sharron Harrison: FY15 Q4 transfer report –  larger report because end of year work balancing the account.. Finer ability to see where the district is at the end of the year and being sure it’s not over spending and closing it out.  FY16 Q1 transfer report- Just one.

Dohoney moves to approve both the FY15 Q4 and FY16 Q1 reports Seconded: F. Clark Approved: Unanimously











Fields made a motion to adjourn the meeting Seconded: R. Bradway Approved: Unanimously                    


Meeting adjourned at 9:29pm

The next meeting is scheduled for November 19, 2015 – Regular Meeting – Joint Meeting with Shaker Mountain School Union- Stockbridge District Office

Submitted by:

Rebecca Burcher, Recorder


Rebecca Burcher, Recorder



School Committee Secretary